Become A Master Gardener

  • Become a Master Gardener

    Master Gardeners working in the Backyard Farmer garden

Applications to become a volunteer in the
Nebraska Extension Master Gardener program is CLOSED for the
2024 training season.

Applications for the 2025 training season will open in late Fall 2024.

Classes are held twice a year, beginning in late January or October. Contact your local county extension office to determine the training location closest to you. Enrollment may be limited based on available space.

Attendance is required for 40 hours of education as a Master Gardener Intern. Volunteers are considered Master Gardener Trainees after completing the 40 hours of educational training and passing an open-book test with a 70% or better. Participants become Volunteers in the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Program after completing 40 hours of volunteer activities. This title is retained until the training sessions begin again the following year.

Returning Master Gardeners must complete a minimum* of 10 hours of continuing education and 20 hours of volunteer activities each year to remain active.
*Counties have the option to increase this total - check your local county for detailed requirements

Master Gardener Position Description & Volunteer Opportunities

For all Counties (including Campus Program) except Lancaster and Douglas/Sarpy

ONLINE APPLICATION - The application will open in the Fall of 2024.

Lancaster County

For information and an application, see the Lancaster County Extension Master Gardener program. This is the daytime program in Lancaster County. 

     Applications are CLOSED for 2024

For more information about the program administered 

  • Lancaster County office (day classes) contact Mary Jane Frogge at (402) 441-7180
  • Campus (evening classes) contact Terri James at (402) 472-8973

Douglas/Sarpy County

Applicants from Douglas/Sarpy DO NOT use the application forms listed above. Applications are made available only at Master Gardener informational meetings. See Douglas/Sarpy Extension for information on meeting times. These meetings are designed to inform the public about the qualifications necessary to be accepted into the internship program. For more information on the Douglas/Sarpy Program, download the brochure

  • Friday, November 15, 2024, 6:30 PM – Douglas County Extension Office
  • Saturday, November 16, 2024, 9:30 AM – Sump Memorial Library
For more information, call 402/444-7804. Scott Evans, Douglas-Sarpy, Horticulture Program Coordinator