Best Practices for Community Gardening During COVID-19 - Tools & Equipment
Inventory all areas in the garden where people commonly come into contact (i.e. spigots, hose, handles, gates, tools, garden cart, etc.).
If possible, leave garden gates open during your garden’s open hours, to avoid excess contact.
Remove all ‘community’ shared tools and equipment to limit virus transmission.
Limit access to tools with wooden handles as much as possible.
Consider that items that cannot easily be cleaned (for example, garden hoses) could be a site for the transfer of the virus.
Thoroughly wipe down the hose nozzle/spigot with a disinfectant solution BEFORE AND AFTER USE and encourage hand washing before and after handling the hose.
Tool-sharing alternatives: 1) Assign tools and associated tasks to specific gardeners for the season. 2) Use proper disinfectant solution to thoroughly wipe down the handle BEFORE AND AFTER USE. 3) Ask gardeners to bring and use their own tools.
Ask gardeners to bring and use their own tools. If people aren’t able to bring or afford their own tools, consider asking your community for tool donations for individual use. Use proper sanitizing when accepting donations.
No tools or other personal items should be left in the garden. Gardeners need to take their tools, trash and other items home when they are done for the day.
If any shared tools and equipment remain at the garden, be sure to use a disinfectant solution to thoroughly wipe down the handle BEFORE AND AFTER USE.
Consider removing lids for the time being so that gardeners can directly add garden waste. If lids are needed, have a small group of volunteers maintain the compost bins while using proper disinfection techniques.
Remove or cordon off public benches, picnic tables, or any other shared spaces that may promote close contact.